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HUTB Holds the Awarding Ceremony of “I Love HUTB • Jointly Build A New Era” 1st Campus Photography Contest & “Chufeng Night” Dancing Gala

2022-05-27 17:41:03

On the evening of May 25, HUTB held the excellent works exhibition and awarding ceremony of “I Love HUTB · Jointly Build A New Era” 1st Campus Photography Contest, the launching ceremony of the 2nd Campus Cultural Works Collection Event & “Chufeng Night” Dancing Gala at Chufeng Lecture Hall of the Economic Management Complex. The event was attended by Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and HUTB Party Secretary, Liu Guoquan, HUTB Vice President, Zhang Ling, HUTB Vice President, Yang Liangqi, HUTB Vice President, Gan Dejian, HUTB Vice President, heads of secondary departments and schools, and representatives of teachers and students.


Before the start of the ceremony, HUTB leaders joined the award-winning representatives, teachers and students in watching the excellent works exhibition of “I Love HUTB · Jointly Build a New Era” 1st Campus Photography Contest. Against the contrast of spotlight, the exquisite photography works demonstrated the beautiful campus of HUTB, and gave an expression to the teachers and students’ love for HUTB and longing for a bright future.


At the awarding ceremony, Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and HUTB Party Secretary presented the first prize, Liu Guoquan, HUTB Vice President, and Zhang Ling, HUTB Vice President the second prize, and Yang Liangqi, HUTB Vice President, and Gan Dejian, HUTB Vice President the third prize.


Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and HUTB Party Secretary, addressed the event. She extended warm congratulations to the award-winning teachers and students on behalf of the Party Committee of HUTB. She also expressed heartfelt thanks to teachers and students participating in the contest and all personnel elaborately organizing the exhibition and gala.


Secretary Chen Xiaohong pointed out that home is the smallest country and a country is composed of millions of homes. She said that blowing the horn of the literature and arts advance of HUTB in a new era, manifesting the spirit of HUTB and showcasing the cultural progress of HUTB is the proposition and necessary requirement of HUTB’s development and progress. The 1st Party Representative Conference of HUTB proposed the vision of building HUTB into an innovative, first-class technology and business university with distinctive characteristics, and stressed the need to build “Cultural HUTB” and “Artistic HUTB” and adhere to the principle of educating people through arts and culture. Through colorful cultural activities and thematic education activities, HUTB further strengthened the awareness of loving party, nation and HUTB and taking pride in HUTB among teachers and students, enhanced the humanities, aesthetics and civilization of students, enriched the campus cultural life, enhanced the campus cultural taste, and fostering a good campus atmosphere, thus opening a new chapter in the literary and artistic progress of HUTB.


Secretary Chen Xiaohong said that we should bear in mind our love for the party and nation and fulfill the principle of loving and taking pride in HUTB. In the “I Love HUTB · Jointly Build A New Era” 1st Campus Photography Contest, teachers and students used different tools from different angles of view to display the beautiful campus of HUTB, showcase the new outlook of HUTB and interpret the powerful spirit of HUTB. In this process, beautiful and moving moments were collected. She gave thumbs-up to not only all participants’ discovery of beauty and passion for arts, but also their feelings of loving, revitalizing and taking prize in HUTB.


Secretary Chen Xiaohong stressed that if we do not fail Nature, Nature shall never fail us. We love HUTB, and HUTB loves each and every teacher and student! She expressed the hope that all teachers and students will appreciate the wonderful transformation of “Most Beautiful HUTB” in the excellent works exhibition, participate in the 2nd Campus Cultural Works Collection Event with full enthusiasm, actively create excellent campus cultural works, remain high spirited and self-confident, gather the vast power of “make contributions to HUTB in a new era”, move forward bravely towards the objectives of “Three Advanced and Three Highs” and building an innovative, first-class technology and business university with distinctive characteristics, scale new heights, and greet the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of CPC with excellent achievements.


After the conclusion of the address, HUTB leaders initiated the “I Love HUTB · Jointly Build a New Era” 2nd Campus Cultural Works Collection Event. In the midst of the countdown sound from the audience, HUTB leaders pressed the start button together to officially initiate the contest.


“Chufeng Night” Dancing Gala performed brilliant national dance, modern dance and pop music programs for teachers and students. The gala was kicked off by “Farewell to Meishan Mountain” dancing program, which employed the light and shadow technology to display the classical “connotative beauty” of the folk life of Meishan Mountain. “Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies” singing program demonstrated young people’s determination to defy difficulties and struggle for a bright future. “Running Youth” dancing program gave an expression to the radiant youthful vitality, and utilized bright rhythm to showcase the positive spirit of young people in the new era. “Matchmaking of Butterflies” dancing program compared folding fan to the wings of butterflies, and perfectly displayed a vivid picture of three butterflies playing happily in the midst of flowers. Carrying forward the legacy of “The Songs of Chu”, “Search for Chu” dancing program demonstrated the charm of ancient Chu music in the midst of magnificent music. Brimming with ethnic customs, “Love on the Pamirs” dancing program demonstrated a love story on the Pamirs. “Standing Grain” dancing program showcased a lively picture of girls playing with water in the early summer. “Beat Drums” dancing program reproduced the sacred ceremony of people beating drums to pray for blessings. Performed in a vigorous, powerful, emotional and vivid spirit, “Call” dancing program expressed the respect and love for life. Full of distant and exotic color, “Illusion” dancing program led the audience into an imaginary world. “Just To Meet You On The Way” dancing program expressed people’s infinite longing and pursuit for freedom, and displayed the process of the protagonist pursuing freedom. “Happy Wedding Ceremony On The Yaoshan Mountain” dancing program displayed the rich and unique style of Yao Nationality, and showcased ta lively scene of a Yao girl getting married. The gala was directed by Professor Wu Yanyan (Yinzhi Expert of HUTB, dance discipline leader of Central South University (CSU)) and Professor Gong Qian (master supervisor of CSU).


Finally, HUTB leaders joined the audience in singing “Red Flag Fluttering In The Wind” and “Song of Hunan University of Technology and Business”. As all participants waved the five-starred red flags, enthusiastic singing sound resounded through the audience, bringing the atmosphere to the climax. The campus cultural event came to a successful conclusion in the midst of an ebullient atmosphere. (Written by Shao Jianjing, Liu Yuan and Zhang Gaoyang and photo by Chen Luming, Chen Jingjing and Chen Xianglong)

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