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HUTB Adds 9 National First-Class Undergraduate Specialty Construction Sites

2022-06-14 17:31:26

Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Releasing the List of 2021 National and Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Specialty Construction Sites (JGTH No. 14 [2022]). Information management and information system and 8 other majors of HUTB were approved as the 2021 national first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites. At present, all enrollment majors of HUTB have been designated as national or provincial first-class undergraduate specialties.

Sticking to the fundamental task of moral education, HUTB has actively docked with the major strategic demand of national and regional development, responded to the development demand of new technologies, new industries, new business formats and new models, and promoted the integrated development of “new engineering courses + new business courses + new liberal arts courses” and science courses. Guided by the “double ten thousand plan” for first-class undergraduate specialty construction, HUTB has effectively promoted the continued rise of specialty construction levels and the steady improvement of talent training quality through measures such as optimizing the talent training plans, strengthening the construction of teaching staff, deepening the curriculum reform, strengthening the guarantee of teaching resources, and improving the quality assurance system.


In the next stage, according to the requirements of the first-class undergraduate specialty construction standard of the Ministry of Education and the work report of the 1st Party Representative Conference of HUTB, HUTB will meet the major national strategic demand of digital economy, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, implement the key programs of excellent education, academician excellence class, Qizhi undergraduate excellent innovative talent training, digital intelligence talent training camp and micro-speciality training mode reform, give full play to the demonstration and leading role of HUTB first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites, establish an undergraduate talent training system with advanced philosophies, well-defined objectives, perfect curriculum systems, cross fusion of disciplines and specialties and industry-education-research coordinated education, and cultivate innovative, entrepreneurial, application-oriented and inter-disciplinary specialized talents with global vision, patriotic feelings, professional expertise and benevolence. (Reported by Academic Affairs Division)

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