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HUTB Holds 2022 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Award Ceremony

2022-06-20 17:43:12

Like swordsmen who are skilled, brave and patriotic, HUTB students will stay upright and meticulous wherever they go. On the morning of June 20, HUTB held the 2022 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Award Ceremony in the lecture hall of the Economic Management Complex. All leader and party committee members of HUTB, including Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician, HUTB Party Secretary and President of HUTB Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, Huang Xin, HUTB Vice Party Secretary and President, and Xiao Xiaoqin, HUTB Vice Party Secretary, attended the ceremony. Chen Yong, alumnus of HUTB and Chairman of Guangzhou Tianhui Capital Management Co., Ltd., attended the ceremony upon invitation. All members of HUTB Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, heads of relevant functional departments, party secretaries, deans and vice party secretaries of all secondary schools, and graduating class instructors participated in the ceremony. All 2022 graduates, their parents, teachers, students and alumni witnessed the glory and joy of 2022 graduate through on-site participation and webcast. The ceremony was chaired by President Huang Xin.


The ceremony was kicked off as all teachers and students sang the national anthem. Vice President Liu Guoquan read out the Decision of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Approving Graduation of 497 Graduate Students including Xiao Haowen and the Decision of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Granting Master Degrees to 491 Graduate Students including Xiao Haowen. Vice President Zhang Ling read out the Decision of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Approving Graduation of 4606 Students including Rong Ziyi, the Decision of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Granting Bachelor Degrees to 4481 Students including Rong Ziyi, the Decision of Beijin College of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Approving Graduation of 1534 Students including Liu Yi, the Decision of Beijin College of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Granting Bachelor Degrees to 1534 Students including Liu Yi, the Decision of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Approving Graduation of 13 Foreign Students including Stanley and the Decision of Hunan University of Technology and Business on Granting Bachelor Degrees to 13 Foreign Students including Stanley. Vice President Gan Dejian read out the document commending provincial outstanding graduates.


As graduate representatives, Liu Xiaoliang, a postgraduate student from the School of Computer Science & Information Engineering, Zeng Yi, an undergraduate student from the digital economy academician excellent class of the School of Sciences, Li Xiao, an undergraduate student from the School of Public Administration and Human Geography, and Zhang Yunhan, an undergraduate student from Beijin College, recounted their growth and gains during study, and expressed sincere gratitude and blessings to HUTB. They quoted “despite the difficulties, we should be more firm in moral integrity and never abandon our ambition”, “with hair turning gray, teachers dedicate themselves to students”, “although we will leave again tomorrow and be separated by countless mountains, we have sang the same song together today” and “we should dare to have dreams, be brave to pursue dreams, and work hard to realize dreams” respectively to express their firm confidence to “pursue excellence in climbing the peak of knowledge, act rather than speak in shouldering the heavy responsibility of the time, and build a successful career in practical work”.


As the teacher representative, Huang Fuhua, Dean of the School of Business Administration, addressed the ceremony. He extended the sincerest congratulations and best wishes to the graduates who are going to open a new chapter in their life on behalf of all teachers. He wished all 2022 graduates to stay true to their original missions, adhere to their dreams, forge ahead, keeping studying as long as they live, hone their skills to achieve values, keep doing exercises to enhance their physique, and stay happy and healthy. He hoped that all students will embark on the new journey with shining youth, mingle with, understand and serve the society, integrate individual development into the national rejuvenation of China, display vitality, bring on sweat, and earn glories.


Chairman Chen Yong addressed the ceremony as the alumni representative. He said, “I am happy to see HUTB standing at the frontiers of the times and striding forward towards building an innovative, first-class technology and business university under the guidance of Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and HUTB Party Secretary. I have full confidence and high expectations for the talent training quality and future of HUTB.” He put forward three suggestions to all graduates: first, focus on frontiers, broaden horizon, and dare to accept challenges; second, be sincere, credible and diligent; third, stay curious, break through the shackles of speciality, and explore endless possibilities. He hoped all graduates will stay confident, optimistic, grateful and resilient regardless the ups and downs of life, brave winds and waves, blaze a new trial through brambles, stand on the top of life, and get to the happy place.


Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician, HUTB Party Secretary and President of HUTB Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, delivered an exuberant speech titled “Travel Makes the World and Life More Beautiful”. She said, “Amid the song of farewell, young people embark on a long journey. Today, we gather here to hold a grand graduation ceremony for 2022 graduates. Together with 6863 graduates, we pay a tribute to youth, passion, hard work and persistence! I would like to take this opportunity to warmly graduate all students on graduating successfully and opening up a new chapter in their life! I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all parents for their long-standing care, support and company!”


Secretary Chen Xiaohong recounted the 4-year college life of the students, and elaborated on the course of struggle as HUTB and students work hand in hand towards development and progress. She said that thanks to the active participation and contributions of students, HUTB now stands on a new, higher starting point and is more confident about its future development than before. She took pride in the beauty of ideal, the beauty of struggle, the beauty of innovation, the beauty of civilization, the beauty of confidence and the beauty of health displayed by the students, spoke highly of all students’ ability to persevere while considering the overall interests, and acclaimed the combination of “Youth Dream” and “HUTB Dream”.


Secretary Chen Xiaohong put forward three expectations for all 2022 graduates: First, aim high, and live up to the expectations of the state and people. We should give top priority to the interests of home and state, and love the state and people forever. It is the spirit of making tenacious struggles and sacrificing our lives to our homeland and people that makes our life rich, warm, durable and regretless. Second, travel with a guide. Please keep studying wherever you go, because study is the “passport” leading to a bright future. Please do solid work wherever you go, because solid work is the “key” to success. Please pursue what you love wherever you go, because what you love is the “chip” towards romance. Third, establish a bottom line and be upright. To be an upright person, we should keep ourselves in awe. To be an upright person, we should be strict with ourselves. To be an upright person, we should lead a simple life.


At last, Secretary Chen Xiaohong said, “Dear students, a real traveler’s province is boundless. Please bear in mind our motto of ‘Sincerity & Credibility; Pragmatism & Innovation’, and pick up the baton of history. Start off towards future dreams and eternal love! Start off towards a valuable and regretless life! Start off towards a more beautiful world! I wish you live a shining, magnanimous and happy life!”


What followed was the most ceremonial moment when all leaders and party committee members of HUTB presented the academic degree certificate to the graduate representatives. The moment of shaking hands, turning the tassel, correcting graduation caps, granting certificates and taking a group photo represented a recognition and affirmation to the students. Holding the heavy academic degree certificates and graduation certificates, all 2022 graduates incorporated their feelings for HUTB, teachers and friends into the firm oath. All graduates made the solemn oath: Make excellent, diligence and culture our habit, and achieve the best results as contemporary youth on the track of youth!


The ceremony came to a successful conclusion amid the emotional, melodious, graceful and lingering sound as all teachers and students sang together “The World With So Many Persons”, “Tomorrow Will Be Better” and “Song of Hunan University of Technology and Business”. Carrying the ardent expectations of HUTB, all 2022 graduates will embark on a new journey, combine individual ideals with the state and national courses, build a successful career among communities and people, and shine like a blossom wherever the homeland needs the most. (Written by Zhang Gaoyang and Yang Lei and photo by Chen Luming, Ling Haotian, Mao Yuhao and Ma Ke)

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