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[Rednet.cn] HUTB Greatly Helps Graduates Get High-quality Employment

2022-05-19 16:45:03

HUTB held a special action of "Secretary and President Visit Enterprises to Widen the Employment Channel" and a special job fair for well-known enterprises.


Rednet Moment, May 19 (Reported by Reporter Pan Jin and Correspondents Zeng Ziyan, Tao Jingsi and Chen Jingjing) Recently, HUTB held a special action of "Secretary and President Visit Enterprises to Widen the Employment Channel" and a special job fair for well-known enterprises to expand employment channels for graduates and promote full and higher quality employment for graduates.


Party Committee of HUTB attaches great importance to the employment of graduates this year, and solidly promotes the special action of Visiting Enterprises to Widen the Employment Channel and promote employment. Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and Party Secretary of HUTB, put forward clear requirement for organizing this special job fair that the high-quality enterprises shall be actively introduced through "field visits" and "cloud visits" so as to smooth employment channels for graduates, build a high-quality employment platform and create more high-quality employment opportunities. Huang Xin, Vice Party Secretary and President of HUTB, went to the job fair to visit enterprise representatives and graduates. Other chief leaders intensively visited and investigated the enterprises and signed university-enterprise cooperation agreements with nearly 100 high-quality enterprises.


In this special recruitment, more than 60 well-known enterprises such as China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Corporation Limited, SANY Group, Zoomlion, the 5th Bureau of CSCEC, The 23th Metallurgical Construction Group Co., Ltd. of Minmetals, Sunward, Lens Technology, Broad Group, Better Life and Aier Eye Hospital were invited to recruit talents and provide 2,515 high-quality jobs.


In order to implement the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and maintain the safety and stability of the campus, the job fair requires participants to wear masks, scan the "two codes" and measure their body temperature. The fresh graduates who participated in the job fair praised it one after another. Li Hong from the School of Economy & Trade said that this job fair is very large, and the employers are very well-known large enterprises. I am very much looking forward to working in these well-known enterprises."


As of the end of April, HUTB has held 4 live employment guidance classes of "Hefeng Classroom" and organized students to participate in more than 20 online employment guidance lectures; 63 online and offline job fairs and two-way selection meetings were held, providing nearly 60,000 jobs in total. HUTB will further integrate resources, cooperate with many parties and participate by all employees, and continue to vigorously promote five major employment tasks: campus recruitment, Visiting Enterprises to Widen the Employment Channel, thousands of enterprises entering campus, employment guidance and precise assistance, so as to form a strong "combination blow" of employment and help graduates find jobs with higher quality.


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